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Scoil Angela, Ursuline Primary School, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
Scoil Angela Concert Feb 12th and 13th at 7pm school halla.
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October Highlights🌟💫🌟

18th Oct 2023

It's been a busy month in Scoil Angela. Here are some of our October memories. 

*  1st and 2nd Class meet with with Illustrator and Storyteller Wayne O Connor in Thurles Library

*U13 Challenge Football match against Rockwell Rovers 

*Playtime fun with our friends 

*Cross Country medal presentations

* Maths Week 2023
* Fundamental Skills in hurling begins in 1st and 2nd Class

* U 11 Football matches in Durlas Óg 

*Tummy Drawing in Junior Infants

*  Getting ready the Ursuline Secondary School Show 'The Little Mermaid'