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Scoil Angela, Ursuline Primary School, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
Scoil Angela Concert Feb 12th and 13th at 7pm school halla.
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Some of our September Highlights🌟✨🌟

2nd Oct 2022

It's been a busy month in Scoil Angela. Here are some of our September memories. 

  • Welcoming our new Junior Infants.
  • Celebrating 250 years of Ursuline education. 
  •  4th class learning all about our very interesting school environment with Mr. Jimmy Duggan.
  • 5th class taking a tour outside of our school grounds to learn about the local history of Thurles town with Mr. Jimmy Duggan.
  • 2nd class feeling a sense of Autumn as go on a nature walk around our beautiful school grounds, enjoying a surprise visit from Junior Infants and making fabulous creations in art. 
  • Camogie training begins!